2d to 3d to 4d
You have to go from 2d to 3d
before you can have a look at 4d
Globe sheet, the growing meat
soaked in sweet sweat
glucose fuel
polypeptide chains
and their electrochemical bonds
pulls it into shape
while the nascent genome
is still making Man
loose his will to complexity
forgetting the question
forgetting the horizon
ForGot to overcome Man, humanity
and leave his box-like , dank , caves
for sunlight and some bigger caves
ForGot that the difference between Man and beings
like Socrates, Nietzsche and Darwin or Einstein
like Kerouak, Ginsberg and Burroughs
or Dylan Thomas and even Buckowski
like Jung and Eysenck,
is bigger
than the difference between Man and Ape
ForGot the invalid run and withdrawal
from a cave dependency
of those still feathered and fettered
ForGot the constant need for new caves
so they won't burn their eyes
or their pale skin, now void of pigment
like Thales, Aristotle and Plato or Xun Zi
like Descartes, Schopenhauer and Fodor
or Marx and even David Lewis
like Freud and Churchland
Is it not such as these
that we should sit by the fire
so they may sit in the mouth
of their largest cave
watching from the shadows
how light can spread
as the sun creeps in
then fades back
like a day long breath
They glimpse the macrocosmos
So they measure the microcosmos
They desperately search for The Answer
so they can do a little dance
by their bonfire at night
making shadows on the wall
mimiking and covering the sunshadows
they saw
as best they can
a mind blowing show
for those that hid away
deep in the cave
Out in the sun
some became puddles
collecting mud
waving around and reflecting the light
some creating brooks
and rivers
join others
growing deltas and elaborate waterfalls
in the rainy seasons
But a puddle such as this
has allot of cogs
and clogs in it
lots of seaweed and panty webs
which makes it twist and churn
a constant movement
in the depths
and it follows
when the sun has grown red eyes
her touch is a third degree burn
ready to lay down
and take a needed rest
Our puddle will vaporise
twisting and churning
fading and burning
the depths of the puddle
into complexities
sometimes into seeds
In a blanket of ashes and dust
these seedlings in mud
are kept
in a carbon womb
ready and rested
for the day
when the Sun wakes up